How Camp Changed Our Lives: 8 Girl Scout Alums on the Magic of Camp

How Camp Changed Our Lives: 8 Girl Scout Alums on the Magic of Camp

We can’t say it enough: Girl Scout camp is a transformative experience. Every summer, under the clear California skies, girls of all ages make new friends, push their limits, and learn to love the person that they are. We reached out to our camp alums to find out what camp meant to them and received an outpouring of love and beautiful camp stories. Here’s what they had to say.

How to Keep Your Graduating Girls Involved in Girl Scouts

How to Keep Your Graduating Girls Involved in Girl Scouts

With final exams, graduation, summer jobs, college preparation, and maybe even a Gold Award taking center stage, your graduating Ambassadors may not be thinking about how to stay involved in Girl Scouts after high school. But with these 4 steps, they can continue their Girl Scout legacy throughout their lives.

The Trailhead