Tips to Plan a Great Older Girl Recognition Ceremony

Tips to Plan a Great Older Girl Recognition Ceremony

Investitures, bridging, and Court of Awards ceremonies: Girl Scouts has a long tradition of celebrating girls’ achievements. These ceremonies help girls feel that their work is noticed and appreciated, motivating them to keep working hard in the future. Here are some tips from Service Unit 605’s Judy on planning celebrations for your older Girl Scouts, especially those completing a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award!

How to Spot the Difference: Community Service Projects vs. Take Action Projects

How to Spot the Difference: Community Service Projects vs. Take Action Projects

In Girl Scouts, our girls do a lot of projects that help our local communities and make the world a better place, but some awards require them to go a step further and Take Action. In this blog post, Courtney breaks down both community service projects and Take Action projects, so you and your girls can better understand the difference between the two.

The Trailhead