Whether you’re gazing up at the twinkling stars from a blanket, peering at the rings of Saturn through a telescope, or marveling at images of distant galaxies taken by spacecraft, space sparks wonder and curiosity in everyone. Here are some tips on how to take advantage of our new Space Science badges!
Nearly 40 years since their Girl Scout trip to Europe and their last troop picnic, Troop 198 used technology and Girl Scout determination to bring the sisterhood back together again in 2018.
Do your girls want to (or need to) talk about the difficult issues of inequality coming up in their lives or on the news? Here are seven things you and your girls need to know to dive into the important (and sometimes challenging) conversations happening in our world today.
After earning all their Daisy petals (and two financial literacy leaves) in one year, this troop of newly-minted Brownies set their sights on the 7 Brownie badges in the Legacy tier, which cover the core badge categories in Girl Scouting: Artist, Athlete, Citizen, Cook, First Aid, Naturalist, and Girl Scout Way. Believe it or not, they earned them all in one year! Here’s how they did it so your troop can get there too!
On October 1, 2007, five Girl Scout councils merged to form Girl Scouts of Northern California. In the spirit of our 10 year celebration, our CEO Marina Park shares 10 highlights from the last decade that have personally touched her heart and give her hope for our future.
Even though parents can be some of the busiest people around, troop leader Richel shares 6 ways she’s found success in getting parents to help out as troop volunteers.
Looking to level up your troop’s outdoor experience? In this Q&A, expert outdoorsman and author of Moon California Camping, Tom Stienstra shares his advice for camping with kids, helpful tips for first time campers, and suggests new campgrounds to explore in California.
As troop leaders, we play an important role in the lives of our Girl Scouts – we’re older sisters, friends, confidants, and more. Troop Leader Lia shares her tips for talking to older girls about sensitive issues as you help them navigate the world around them.
Led by local volunteers, service units create a sense of community within specific geographical regions, providing personal assistance and helpful resources that every Girl Scout volunteer should take advantage of. In this post, Angela shares five reasons why you should attend your area’s service unit meetings.
The thought of managing and budgeting thousands of dollars for your girls can seem a little daunting, so we found five awesome troop leaders to share their wealth of troop finance knowledge for this list of budgeting savvy advice.
Angela shares her story (and lessons learned along the way) in navigating her experience as a multi-level troop leader!
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