Whether you’re having virtual troop meetings, or meeting in person, there are a few basics required for an excellent Girl Scout troop meeting. These tried-and-true strategies will make all types of online activities fun for kids!
Supporting our communities is what Girl Scouts do best! But the pandemic has made community service a little more complicated. Here are 5 community service projects your girls can work on from the comfort of their couch:
Whether you are a new troop leader or a seasoned volunteer, you can use your resources wisely and get help online, not to mention the most important advice—from the girls you are leading and advising! Here are three easy steps and some great ideas to make meeting planning go smoothly this year:
Believe it or not, it is absolutely possible to run a Girl Scout troop remotely from home! When the schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted my girls to be able to stay connected in a difficult time. But changing up Girl Scout troop meeting can feel a little daunting, so I’ve put together some of my best tips on how to get your virtual meetings going.
Girls’ interests change and focus as they get older, and it’s harder to cover everything your girls want in just a few hours a month! We learned that interest groups were the perfect answer to meet our troop’s diverse interests, and they’re a cinch to get started with.
Planning a meeting isn’t just about activities and logistics (although those things are important too!) It’s about creating a safe space where your Girl Scouts can build relationships, grow, and thrive. Here are a basic structure and tips to get you started.
Whatever your reasons for inviting new girls to your troop, a Bring-a-Friend event will engage your girls’ leadership skills while also promoting friendship and inclusion. Not sure where to begin? Use these 6 bite-sized steps to get you started:
They say the average person has 155 friends on Facebook. Multiply that by a troop of 12 and you have 1860 possible cookie customers just waiting to buy Thin Mints and Samoas! Setting up your Digital Cookie platform is a cinch — find out how to set it up together and turn your troop meeting into a Digital Cookie Day!
Whether you’re new to leading a troop or you’re looking for inspiration, this list of suggested seasonal activities, holidays to celebrate, and other meeting ideas for throughout the year will make yearly planning easy as pie.
After earning all their Daisy petals (and two financial literacy leaves) in one year, this troop of newly-minted Brownies set their sights on the 7 Brownie badges in the Legacy tier, which cover the core badge categories in Girl Scouting: Artist, Athlete, Citizen, Cook, First Aid, Naturalist, and Girl Scout Way. Believe it or not, they earned them all in one year! Here’s how they did it so your troop can get there too!
Fun patches give you and your troop the freedom to get super creative and mix in some new activities. From rock painting to World Thinking Day, Cambria shares 5 fun patches your girls need to add to their collection this winter.
Snacks are a staple to any bustling Girl Scout meeting, but with picky eaters and allergies finding troop snacks that everyone loves can be a little tricky. Richel shares a few ways her troop has solved the “great snack debate” as well as 26 of our troops favorite snack ideas!
The Trailhead is for you: troop leaders and volunteers who are looking for resources, support, inspiration, and answers to your most pressing questions.
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